Computer mainboard with molded inductors in US market

Microchip Technology Inc.

team (Bruce Weyer, Ted Speers, Pierre Selwan, Shakeel Peera Venki Narayanan ) was one of the first commercial adopters of RISC-V technology.

They continue to make progress with their RISC-V based PolarFire SoC FPGA.

RISC-V must always remember the contributions of first adopters.

“Thanks to our PolarFire SoC FPGA that integrates a real-time and Linux capable RISC-V processor with the PolarFire FPGA fabric in a single, super-secure,

tamper-proof package, Conclusive Engineering was able to make this idea come to life.”

Microchip Technology Inc.

highlights how advancements in secure and efficient  SoC design can help keep Operational Technology (OT) and Transportation and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) secure, bug free and failure resistant.

Hypex Amplifier Modules

Hypex have been supplying amplifier modules to the DIY audio crowd for 2 decades now,

enabling users to build bleeding edge amplifiers with relative ease.

In taking over as the official UK distributor for Hypex,

we have the full range of amp modules and SMPS in stock.

We also have all the Hypex accessories and connection materials to make sure

you have all the parts you need right here in the UK for immediate delivery

Sales exceeded 10 million, VR is the best entrance to the metaverse?

The goal of the Metaverse is to realize the informationization and intelligence of all things,

to create a virtual and real fusion space where information fully surrounds people,

and to evolve into a new social form with no boundaries between time and space.

Therefore, the interaction technology of the Metaverse is particularly important.
The interaction methods in the metaverse include voice interaction,

gesture interaction, smell, touch, brain-computer interface, etc.,

but a single interaction method can only achieve partial immersion,

and multi-modal fusion interaction methods can ensure the full-scene interactive experience.
VR, AR, MR, XR and other devices can be regarded as the key to open the door of the metaverse.

By establishing a body surface wearing aid for the interaction between the human body and the sensor recognition technology, the immersive environmental space can be used to use vision, hearing, touch, etc.

Sensory elements convey the presence of the real world and realize the interaction between reality and virtuality.

Máquina enchufable de forma especial DIP, máquina de quemado de chips IC, máquina de soldadura por inmersión automática DIP, evaluación y adquisición automática de la máquina subplaca cortadora de PCBA en SMT

Con el rápido desarrollo de la nueva generación de redes 5G,

tecnología IoT y tecnología de inteligencia artificial AI, varios productos electrónicos relacionados,

como electrónica automotriz, equipos médicos,

ropa inteligente y hogar inteligente, se actualizan y actualizan constantemente para desempeñar un papel importante.
Como base del hardware, los chips IC de componentes electrónicos se desarrollan constantemente hacia la miniaturización,

el número de usos aumenta y la densidad de distribución también aumenta.Las operaciones en el sitio de fabricación son cada vez más complejas y difíciles,

y el alto Las máquinas de colocación SMT de precisión, las impresoras de soldadura en pasta,

la soldadura por reflujo, las máquinas enchufables de componentes electrónicos de forma especial AOI, SPI, DIP,

la soldadura por ola selectiva y otros requisitos y desafíos de equipos relacionados con la línea SMT y DIP también son cada vez más altos.
Hay más de 20,000 fábricas de chips SMT en China.

La adquisición de chips IC y placas de circuito PCB de productos electrónicos y el ensamblaje y producción de placas de circuito

PCBA terminadas son una industria con una escala de más de 10 billones de yuanes, de los cuales el mercado para pedidos de lotes pequeños supera los 500 mil millones de yuanes.

Bajo la ola actual de digitalización, inteligencia y automatización, los pedidos de lotes pequeños en los campos de robots, conducción inteligente,

AIOT y equipos médicos se han disparado, lo que plantea grandes desafíos para la gestión tradicional de la cadena de suministro.

MIPI 버스의 첫 번째 이해

스마트폰의 출현으로 휴대전화는 더 이상 통화를 위한 도구가 아니라 고해상도 디스플레이,

고해상도 사진, 고속 데이터 다운로드 및 전송, 고성능 그래픽 및 소프트웨어 처리 기능을 달성할 수 있습니다.
내부적으로는 칩과 모듈 간의 데이터 전송 속도의 기하급수적인 증가를 촉진하는 반면,

설계를 단순화하고 칩과 모듈 간의 호환성을 향상시키기 위해 통합 인터페이스 표준도 주요 문제입니다. .

개발 동향.
그래서 MIPI가 탄생했습니다.
MIPI(Mobile Industry Processor Interface)는 2003년 ARM, Nokia, ST, TI 및 기타 회사에 의해 설립된 동맹입니다. 목적은 카메라,

디스플레이 인터페이스, 무선 주파수/베이스밴드 인터페이스 등과 같은 휴대폰 내부 인터페이스를 표준화하는 것입니다. ., 따라서 휴대폰 디자인을 줄이고 복잡성과 디자인 유연성을 높였습니다.
MIPI Alliance에는 카메라 인터페이스 CSI,

디스플레이 인터페이스 DSI, 무선 주파수 인터페이스 DigRF,

마이크/스피커 인터페이스 SLIMbus 등과 같은 일련의 휴대전화용 내부 인터페이스 표준을 정의하는 다양한 작업 그룹이 있습니다.
통합 인터페이스 표준의 장점은 휴대폰 제조업체가 필요에 따라 시장에서 다양한 칩과 모듈을 유연하게 선택할 수 있어 설계와 기능을 더 빠르고 편리하게 변경할 수 있다는 것입니다.

Energiatároló rendszer és alkatrészei

Az energiatároló rendszer alapvető feladata az energiakínálat és -kereslet közötti időbeli vagy helyi különbségek leküzdése.
Ennek az eltérésnek két esete van, az egyiket az energiaigény hirtelen változása okozza, azaz csúcsterhelési probléma áll fenn.
Mivel egy energiatároló rendszer beruházási költsége viszonylag alacsonyabb, mint egy csúcsterhelésű erőmű építésének,

bár az energiatárolónak lesznek tárolási veszteségei, mégis csökkentheti az üzemanyagköltségeket,

mivel a tárolt energia többletenergia vagy az erőműből származó új energia. .
A másik olyan okokra vezethető vissza, mint a primer energia és az energiaátalakító eszközök

Az energiatároló rendszer (eszköz) feladata az energiakibocsátás kiegyensúlyozása, vagyis nem csak az energiakibocsátás csúcsának csökkentése,

hanem a kibocsátás feltöltése is. kimenet. vályú

Why use an inverter in a solar photovoltaic power generation system?

The principle of solar photovoltaic power generation is a technology

that directly converts light energy into electrical energy by utilizing the photovoltaic effect of the semiconductor interface.
The key component of this technology is the solar cell.

The solar cells are packaged and protected in series to form a large area solar cell module

and then combined with a power controller or the like to form a photovoltaic power generation device.
The whole process is called a photovoltaic power generation system.

The photovoltaic power generation system consists of solar cell arrays, battery packs, charge and discharge controllers,

solar photovoltaic inverters, combiner boxes and other equipment

An inverter is a device that converts direct current to alternating current.
Solar cells will generate DC power in sunlight, and the DC power stored in the battery is also DC power. However, the DC power supply system has great limitations.

AC loads such as fluorescent lamps, TVs, refrigerators, and electric fans in daily life cannot be powered by DC power.
For photovoltaic power generation to be widely used in our daily life, inverters that can convert direct current into alternating current are indispensable.

As an important part of photovoltaic power generation,

the photovoltaic inverter is mainly used to convert the direct current generated by photovoltaic modules into alternating current.
The inverter not only has the function of DC-AC conversion,

but also has the function of maximizing the performance of the solar cell and the function of system fault protection.